Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And they're off again

So, my appointment was yesterday and meh, more waiting essentially. New band arrangement, and I'm to leave them off during the day unless my bite gets really off in which case I'm to call and come in again. Basically its a balancing act between trying to get more mobility in the joint without having my bite shift over. She said my bite might be off initially and then improve once the muscles start to relax. Also, the joint noise may or may not get better and I may or may not need surgery later on. Just a lot of unknowns. Oh, also, I asked her about the possibility of orthodontics correcting the teeth shifting I had from my front fracture and she said yeah, but that I'd likely need jaw surgery to correct my openbite/overjet (unrelated to my injury) before getting braces. hahaha FML  Anyway, that's down the line, I just want to get to somewhat normal functioning and go from there.

I'm getting really tired of this but all I can do is what I'm told and try to be patient.  I am encouraged that my jaw doesn't seem to be moving over today with the bands off.  Tried chewing a bit today and really found myself annoyed by the "stuff" on the left that is making noise and feels icky.  Mental state has improved as well.  I'm trying to keep perspective on the whole thing.  Yes, its a pain in the ass, but its not life threatening or even particularly painful. 

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