Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First day without bands

Today is the first day I get to take the bands off during the day and only wear them at night.  Hoping my bite doesn't start shifting on me and that I will have improvement in my mouth opening (currently around 1cm).  My teeth don't really fit together perfectly on the right anyway, and I don't know if that is a pre-existing condition (I never really paid attention to how my teeth fit together before), or a result of the front fracture I had.  I can feel a little bump where the fracture was/is so while it was pushed back into place and plated during surgery, its not perfect. Anyway, its probably not a big deal and I've read that adjustments in how the teeth fit together can be corrected with orthodontics.

My main concern with the jaw right now is the noise/feeling on the left.   In addition to the noise, I can feel mild resistance when I close my mouth. Not all the time, it only happens when my jaw is moved far over to the left, and happens naturally  ~3-4 times each time I eat.  It's not painful, just very weird and feels creepy, almost like I'm chewing on the inner workings of my mouth, haha.  I don't know if that's scar tissue or what, if it will get better with time, and if that is what is preventing me from opening my mouth further.  It's definitely top on my list to talk to my doctor about at my Monday appt. Otherwise I'm doing well, just getting tired of eating the same kind of thing. I really think that even another 1/2-1cm mouth opening would really improve my ability to eat different types of foods. At that point I'd likely be able to chew a bit.

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